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PTSA-100-50FL Calibration Solution (100ppb PTSA + 50ppb Fluorescein)

One Solution Combining PTSA & Fluorescein. Calibrate for both PTSA (100ppb) and Conductivity (50ppb) with one calibration solution.

Description To make life simpler, we have combined two different calibration standards into one. Calibrate for PTSA & Fluorescein using this combination calibration standard solution. This solution combines 100ppb of PTSA with 50ppb of Fluorescein to provide the perfect calibration solution for your PTSA + Fluorescein combination Pyxis Lab® devices, including: SP-380 PTSA + Fluorescein Handheld SP-710B Handheld Water Multimeter NOTE: As of right now it is – due to a national shortage in chemical bottles – we are providing (2) 250mL bottles, but will hopefully be able to supply our normal bottle soon.