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PTAG1010 Calibration Solution (100ppb PTSA + 10ppm Tagged Polymer)

One Solution Combining PTSA & Tagged Polymer. Calibrate for both PTSA (100ppb) and Fluorescent Polymer (10ppm) with one calibration solution.

Description Pyxis Lab® has developed a liquid calibration standard specifically designed for maintenance and calibration of our line of inline or handheld fluorescent polymer devices, including: SP-350P Fluorescent Polymer Handheld SP-380P PTSA + Fluorescent Polymer Handheld ST-588 Inline PTSA + Tagged Polymer Sensor ST-590 Inline Tagged Polymer Sensor Our PTAG calibration standards are manufactured under a strict laboratory environment and a quality control process to ensure the highest degree of accuracy and calibration for these fluorometers. PTAG-1010 is a unique combination calibration solution that offers 100ppb as PTSA and 10ppm as Fluorescent Polymer.