Pyxis Lab® has developed a portable and reusable liquid-state turbidity calibration kit for rapid calibration of the LT-Series inline ultra-low turbidity sensors. The LT-Series ultra-low turbidity sensors are factory calibrated using certified Formazin liquid standards. The L-CAL calibration kit allows users to calibrate all LT-Series ultra-low turbidity sensors using smaller volumes of Formazin turbidity calibration standards providing an affordable and reusable solution for long term sensor reliability. The unique design of the L-CAL liquid calibration kit allows the LT-73X sensor to be easily inserted and calibrated with the sensor in a horizontal position, allowing air bubbles to be evacuated through the integrated air-vent line ensuring superior accuracy of the sensor calibration. The L-CAL has an easy to remove lid allowing users to fill and empty the calibration kit with DI water for vessel/sensor cleaning and Formazin calibration standards for sensor calibration.
Turbidity Calibration Principals & Considerations
The precision, resolution and the low detection limit of the LT-73X Series sensors are not affected by the calibration method, regardless of using certified Formazin standards and the L-CAL kit. The calibration only affects the turbidity sensor accuracy. The nature of turbidity measurement makes an absolute turbidity value not easily obtainable for any sensor manufacturer although proper standards and methods are followed. For example, turbidity values greater than 1.0 NTU measured on real-world samples with different sensors, even from the single manufacturer, could differ significantly. For ultra-low turbidity (less than 0.3 NTU) measurement using the same methods (ISO-7027 or EPA-180.1), it is likely that the values from different sensors can agree within 0.05 NTU. As such, the user should choose a calibration method and remain with the same calibration method for consistency.